Why Use Laminated Glass in uPVC Windows and Doors

Why Use Laminated Glass in uPVC Windows and Doors

Windows and doors are a barrier between the outdoor and your home, keeping the dust, dirt, and intruders out and away. Meanwhile, they give you a complete vision of the world outside. Since apparently, that’s all that doors and windows do, then why the experts recommend using a glass that’s been laminated along with tempering. Well, there are two reasons for this – safety and security. Interesting to know how? Wait, let’s first understand what is laminated glass.

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The 2-in-1 uPVC Tilt and Turn Windows

The 2-in-1 uPVC Tilt and Turn Windows

WinGlass introduces you to one of the most versatile and modern uPVC Tilt and Turn windows. The 2-in-1 Their window design allows them to have many varied benefits. Tilt and turn window frames have advanced functionality in two significant ways – the tilt function facilitates ventilation and the turn function works like a regular casement window.

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A Look Into uPVC & Aluminum Windows

A Look Into uPVC & Aluminum Windows

A Look Into uPVC & Aluminum Products Have you been looking to install new windows while renovating your home or need to select double or triple glazed windows for new construction? Most probably you would be coming across two popular options – aluminum and uPVC windows. Since both of these materials are amazingly robust and durable, it is hard to…

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Encountering Myths About uPVC Windows and Doors

Encountering Myths About uPVC Windows and Doors

Encountering Myths About uPVC Windows and Doors As a uPVC Windows & Doors company, we have met countless clients and customers, interested in the installation of uPVC products at their place. And many of the people we met had different misconceptions which were making them hesitate in choosing uPVC. Today we decided to address all those Myths About uPVC Windows…

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Get Sound Proof with uPVC Windows & Doors

Get Sound Proof with uPVC Windows & Doors

Get Sound Proof with uPVC Windows & Doors Sound insulation is most likely to be the best outbreak for effective fenestration. With noise pollution grinding through our ears and making it impossible to have a moment’s peace, sound-proof windows are a breath of fresh air. uPVC windows and door frames ensure that you can control the noise that enters your…

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uPVC or PVC – What’s Best for Your Windows

uPVC or PVC – What’s Best for Your Windows

PVC or uPVC – What’s Best for Windows It’s quite common for people to get confused between PVC and uPVC. While both belong to the same chemical family, they differ totally in physical qualities. This leads to a difference in their performance as window frames as well. While PVC and uPVC both are widely used for this purpose, which one…

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All You Need to Know About uPVC Doors & Windows

All You Need to Know About uPVC Doors & Windows

All You Need to Know About uPVC Doors & Windows These days, when it comes to amazing performance and durability, uPVC is stealing the spotlight. uPVC or unplasticized polyvinyl chloride is proven to produce the best results when used for windows and doors. Its versatile formula makes it a great choice for homes, offices, and commercial areas. Reliable to use…

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